If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, you know how difficult it can be to control your blood sugar levels. Every bite that’s consumed comes with a toll that must be addressed with insulin. The following are ways to help keep blood sugar levels in check and stay healthier.


Regular exercise increases your body’s sensitivity to insulin, which means you can better utilize glucose. It can also help you lose weight. Any type of exercise is good, from walking and lifting weights to swimming and dancing. It’s important that you know how your body responds to different types of exercise so glucose levels don’t drop too low.

Portion Control

By controlling the size of the portions consumed, you’ll be controlling calorie and carb intake for better glucose control. One of the best ways of monitoring intake is by weighing, measuring, and paying attention to serving sizes on labels. Eat slowly – it takes your body about 20 minutes to register a sensation of fullness.

Low-Glycemic Foods

These are foods that are proven to reduce long-term blood sugar levels for greater diabetic control. They include, but aren’t limited to, eggs, nuts, seafood, and vegetables and fruits low in starch content.


Carbs increase blood sugar levels. Consider limiting or eliminating breads and pastries; dried and high-sugar fruits; vegetables like corn and potatoes; sugary cereals; sweetened yogurt; pasta and some types of beans; snack foods; juice and milk; alcoholic beverages; and sugar and honey in any form.

Soluble Fiber

Soluble fiber is the carbohydrate content in plants the body can’t digest. It promotes regularity, while slowing sugar absorption and digestion of carbohydrates. Soluble fiber is beneficial for gut bacteria and some types may also lower the risk of heart disease. Soluble fiber can be found in lima and black beans, avocados, sweet potatoes, pears and nectarines, sunflower seeds, and hazelnuts.

Control Stress

The amount of stress in your life directly affects blood sugar levels. When you’re stressed, the body releases hormones that increase blood sugar levels and can also lead to stress eating that typically includes comfort foods that are high in carbs.

Monitor Blood Sugar Levels

Controlling blood sugar levels requires frequent testing. It’s not just high glucose readings that you need to worry about. Low blood sugar levels are equally dangerous.

If you would like to find out about earning cash for your unwanted, unused and boxed test strips, complete our online quote form today.

If you have extra, unopened and unused boxes of diabetic test strips – whether you have switched brands, no longer need to test or test less frequently, or have a loved one who has passed away – don’t let them gather dust until they’ve expired and end up in the trash. We’re the best place to sell diabetic test strips online, and if you want to sell your test strips, we’re here to make the process easy and enjoyable!

Visit us at Sell Your Test Strips and get your free quote today!

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