Don’t Throw Away Your Test Strips!

Throwing away your unused and unexpired diabetic test strips could be the equivalent of flushing money down the toilet!  Yes, that’s right – all those test strips that you don’t use are going to waste when they could be earning you money. You may think that your unused diabetic test strips are of no use to anyone, but they are actually highly sought after by fellow sufferers struggling on a fixed income or without health insurance coverage. 

What Type of Test Strips Can I Sell? 

You can sell diabetic test strips that are unused and unexpired.  The boxes they come in must also be completely intact and undamaged. We only buy test strips that have been manufactured in the US and will consider test strips from a variety of manufacturers including Accu-check, Bayer, Freestyle and One Touch. Test strips must be in sealed 50 count or 100 count size boxes. 

Is It Legal to Sell My Test Strips?

As long as you are the legal owner of them, then sure, you can sell them on if they meet with our purchasing criteria.  Anyone can buy test strips, with or without a prescription, and is 100% legal to resell over the counter products. Even if your boxes are marked “mail order only” or “not for retail” you can still sell them – this just means they can’t be sold through a retailer. 

The only types of test strips that CANNOT be resold are those with a red band on the bottom, as well as the words “For the Use of Medicare/Medicaid Beneficiaries Only”. 

How Can I Make Money Out of My Unused Test Strips?

By selling them to a reputable company like ours, you will be offered the most competitive prices for unused, unexpired diabetic test strips in sealed and undamaged packaging.  The prices we offer depend upon the amount you are selling, the type of test strips that you are using and the brand. Rest assured though, NOT selling your unwanted test strips is literally throwing money away. 

Why Do People Sell Their Diabetic Test Strips? 

There are many reasons people choose to sell their test strips.  They may have switched brands or meters, have a surplus of test strips sat at home, purchased the wrong brand by mistake or even taken control of their diabetes to a level where they no longer need to test their blood sugar levels. Whatever the reason, there are already thousands of Americans out there earning money from their unwanted diabetic test strips. 

What Happens to The Test Strips Once They Are Sold

We buy test strips from those that don’t want or need them and sell them on to those that are struggling to afford them.  Without medical insurance, diabetic test strips and other vital supplies can be prohibitively expensive, meaning your fellow sufferers could be getting sick without the help they need. We work with integrity and trust and build relationships with both our buyers and sellers.  By helping someone on a low income, or without medical insurance, you will be doing a really good deed, while earning some extra dollars at the same time. 

If you would like to find out more about the service we offer, contact us or visit our products page to see how much your unused, unexpired test strips are actually worth here: Get a Quote
Just find the type of test strips you have, add the quantity of boxes you’d like to sell and receive an instant quote…It’s just that simple.