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How to combat the rising costs of treating diabetes

As a diabetes sufferer here in the USA, you cannot help but notice that the cost of keeping yourself well has increased dramatically over the past few years.

Here at we regularly get asked by our buyers and sellers just why it has become so expensive to treat a common disease like diabetes.  The truth is that we don’t really have an answer to that. There is no single element of the treatment that is prohibitively expensive, but it appears to be that the combined cost of both the test strips and the insulin overall that has pushed the prices up yet again.

Manufacturers have blamed Pharmacy Managers for increasing the prices at the point of sale, while health insurance companies complain that the manufacturers charge too much in the first place.  With no one willing to take responsibility for increasing prices, it is almost impossible to establish exactly why it has become so expensive to treat diabetes in America.

For a person living with diabetes, medical expenses are about 2.3 times higher than those for the average person without diabetes. People with diabetes accrue about $7,900 in diabetes-related healthcare costs annually and about $5,800 because of other health problems.

Insulin prices continue to rise

For some time now, manufacturers of insulin have been under scrutiny for unnecessarily hiking up the prices on drugs that have existed for nearly two decades. Lantus insulin, for example, has seen a huge 49 percent increase in price according to a study undertaken by the University of Pittsburgh.

Part of the problem is that although this type of insulin has been around for a long time when the original patent for Lantus expired in 2015, there were dozens of secondary patents in place to prevent competition, allowing manufacturers to increase prices much faster than inflation.

Shop around for your insulin

One of the best ways to keep the cost of insulin down for your own use to a minimum is to look around for cost-effective insulin prices. One option is to contact drug companies directly for assistance.  They may be able to provide you with coupons, or discounts for using their brand.  The ADA offers a prescription assistance resource where you should be able to find drugstores in your area that will sell it at a reasonable price.

Testing supplies can also be pricy

Blood testing meters are a limited expense as the one you purchase should last you a fair while, but the testing strips are a necessity every single day. Your insurance coverage may not send you as many as you need, or worse still will not cover test strips at all.

If you are on a low income or have no health care you may not receive as many test strips as you need to manage your condition effectively on a daily basis.  If you are lucky enough to receive more test strips that you need to use on a monthly basis, you could help someone else out by selling your unwanted, unused and still boxed test strips to us instead.

If you would like to find out about earning cash for your unwanted, unused and boxed test strips, complete our online quote form today.

If you have extra, unopened and unused boxes of diabetic test strips – whether you have switched brands, no longer need to test or test less frequently, or have a loved one who has passed away – don’t let them gather dust until they’ve expired and end up in the trash. We’re the best place to sell diabetic test strips online, and if you want to sell your test strips, we’re here to make the process easy and enjoyable!

Visit us at Sell Your Test Strips and get your free quote today!

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Foods to avoid if you have diabetes

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, or even pre-diabetes, there are certain types of food, drink and even lifestyle decisions that you would be best to avoid in order to keep yourself well.

The food you put into your body will have obvious effects on the way your diabetes behaves.  Some foods should always be avoided, and others should be only enjoyed very occasionally.

The most common food and drinks that you should avoid if you suffer from diabetes, include:

  1. Sugar-Sweetened Sodas

These kinds of drinks are very high in carbohydrates for a start, as well as being loaded with fructose that is strongly linked to insulin resistance and diabetes. These kind of sodas and soft drinks are just about some of the worst choices for someone with diabetes to consume.

  1. White Bread and Pasta

As comforting as a freshly baked bread or a big bowl of steaming hot pasta may be, as a diabetes sufferer, they can cause you negative effects.  These types of food are high in carbs, and low in fiber – a combination which can result in raised blood sugar levels.  You can still enjoy a freshly made sandwich or bowl of spaghetti but choose whole-wheat, high-fiber alternatives instead that will have less effect on your blood sugar.

  1. Dried Fruits

This may come as a surprise to you as fruit is a healthy option, right?  Well, not always so.  In the case of dried fruit, they become more concentrated in sugar and may contain as much as three times the amount of carbs that fresh fruits do. Avoid dried fruit and choose fruits low in sugar instead to prevent spikes in your blood sugar levels.

  1. Honey and Maple Syrup

Delicious on pancakes and much more, these sweet and tasty treats should be avoided if you want to effectively manage your condition.  Both honey and maple syrup can have similar effects on blood sugar, insulin and inflammatory markers as white sugar can, despite them seeming like a more natural alternative.

  1. Fruit Juices

Another food group that seems to be good for you but actually isn’t, is the huge range of fruit juices available to us today.  Unsweetened fruit juice contains at least as much sugar as high sugar sodas do, and the high fructose content can worsen insulin resistance, promote weight gain and increase the risk of heart disease.

  1. Packaged and Processed Foods

Convenience foods are designed to save you time both in the kitchen and on the go and do have some upsides.  But, if you are a diabetic, there is nothing worthwhile to be found in these.  Packaged snacks are typically highly processed foods made from refined flour that can quickly raise your blood sugar levels.

  1. French Fries

The humble French fry is the perfect comfort food, but one that is not good for you at all if you suffer from diabetes.  In addition to being high in carbs that raise blood sugar levels, French fries are fried in unhealthy oils that may promote inflammation and increase the risk of heart disease and cancer.

  1. Fruit-Flavored Yogurt

Another innocent looking food that really should be avoided if you have been diagnosed with Diabetes.   Fruit-flavored yogurts are usually low in fat but high in sugar, which can lead to higher blood sugar and insulin levels. Plain, whole-milk yogurt is a much better choice, and you can add flavor with fresh fruit.

If you have extra, unopened and unused boxes of diabetic test strips – whether you have switched brands, no longer need to test or test less frequently, or have a loved one who has passed away – don’t let them gather dust until they’ve expired and end up in the trash. We’re the best place to sell diabetic test strips online, and if you want to sell your test strips, we’re here to make the process easy and enjoyable!

Visit us at Sell Your Test Strips and get your free quote today!

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How often should you test your blood sugar levels?

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, your doctor or health care professional will be able to advise you about how often you will need to test your own blood sugar levels.  It is important that you understand what they are telling you, and that you ask any questions you may have about how and when to test.

How often you need to test will depend very much upon the type of diabetes that you have been diagnosed with, and the treatment plan your doctor has devised for you.

For patients with Type 1 diabetes – you will probably be asked to test before and after meals and snacks, before and after exercise and at some point during the night.  That could be anywhere up to 10 times every single day, meaning that you need a lot of testing strips to stay well.

For patients with Type 2 diabetes – your doctor will usually recommend that you test your blood sugar several times a day. This is usually recommended before meals and at bedtime if you’re taking multiple daily injections. Again, the number of times that you will need to test will directly impact how many test strips you will need to effectively manage your condition.

Continuous Glucose Monitoring

Some patients who are treated with insulin choose to use a CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitor).  These devices measure your blood sugar every few minutes using a sensor under the skin.  If your blood sugar is becoming too low or too high, the device will signal an alarm to make you aware. Even with one of these machines, you will still need to do some finger-stick checks in order to calibrate the machine and stay well.

Know what you are testing for

Knowing when to test is important, but knowing what you are testing for is equally as important in keeping you well. For many people who have diabetes, they should be looking at the following target blood sugar levels before meals:

  • Between 80 and 130 mg/dL (4.4 and 7.2 mmol/L) milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) before meals, and
  • Less than 180 mg/dL (10.0 mmol/L) two hours after meals

As a general rule, and unless your doctor has told you differently, you should aim to check your blood sugar at the following times:

  • Before each meal
  • 1 or 2 hours after a meal
  • Before a bedtime snack
  • In the middle of the night
  • Before physical activity, to see if you need a snack
  • During and after physical activity
  • If you think your blood sugar might be too high, too low or falling
  • When you’re sick or under stress

How to Test My Blood sugar

Using either a simple diagnostic test strip, a test strip with a Glucometer or even a CGM machine, it is vital that you have enough test strips to keep you well, and your doctor or healthcare provider will make sure that you always have a plentiful supply.

In some cases, you can accumulate too many unused test strips.  In this instance, sell them to us.  You get much-needed cash for unused test strips that would otherwise go in the trash, and someone else gets to buy the test trips they need at a reduced price.

If you have extra, unopened and unused boxes of diabetic test strips – whether you have switched brands, no longer need to test or test less frequently, or have a loved one who has passed away – don’t let them gather dust until they’ve expired and ended up in the trash. We’re the best place to sell diabetic test strips online, and if you want to sell your test strips, we’re here to make the process easy and enjoyable!

Visit us at Sell Your Test Strips and get your free quote today!

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Technologies Top Apps for Monitoring Your Diabetes

What Are the Best Apps for Monitoring Diabetes?

Learning how to manage your diabetes, can take a great deal of time and effort as you establish the very best routine to keep you healthy.  Tracking sugar levels, calculating the right doses of medication and even counting your carbs and watching your diet, in general, can become all-consuming. 

One of the easiest and most reliable ways to monitor your diabetes is by using an App designed to work on your cell phone or tablet.  Always on hand to offer advice on nutrition, assistance with tracking blood sugar levels and alerts to remind you to take your medication, these apps are like a personal diabetes nurse, tucked away in your purse or your pocket everywhere you go. 

If you are considering switching to an App to monitor your diabetes, here are 5 of the most popular and effective apps on the market:

Glooko monitors your medications and carb intake as well as integrating the data from most continuous glucose monitors, blood glucose meters, insulin pumps, and fitness trackers.  You can quickly view your progress via charts and keep track of your medications and dietary history.

This app enables you to document your sugar readings, weight and other factors, as well as being able to instantly show you stats about your health including current and past trends. You can also invite friends or family members for added support and motivation and Health2Sync allows you to sync with most other Bluetooth health devices.

My Sugr
Designed to make diabetes “suck less”, this app syncs with other devices to help you easily monitor vital stats about your weight, basal rates and sugar levels. You can also log data by setting up reminders that appear on your phone and report critical facts to your doctor. The pro version of the app can be activated at no charge with some Accu-Chek devices, or users can pay the $2.99 monthly or $27.99 yearly subscription.

Transform your smartphone into a glucometer and pick up a ton of useful insights on your how and when your blood sugar changes. BeatO offers a wide range of resources and analytics to provide custom monitoring for every diabetic, and it also comes with the ability to contact a free diabetes educator service when you purchase a BeatO Smartphone Glucometer (time limitations may apply). 

Glucose Buddy
This app allows you to enter your weight, blood pressure, HbA1c levels, and much more into Glucose Buddy into the easy to use interface.  It can also help to track your carb intake, manage your workout routine and monitor trends to help you stay on top of your condition. Premium access also features other fitness apps, advanced graphs, and custom tagging tools.

From blood sugar readings, medication reminders and activity trackers, all of the above apps can help you to simplify your way of life by giving you a place to log your data, see patterns, set goals, and track your progress, anytime and anywhere. 


Sell Us Your Unused Diabetic Test Strips

If you have extra, unopened and unused boxes of diabetic test strips – whether you have switched brands, no longer need to test or test less frequently, or have a loved one who has passed away – don’t let them gather dust until they’ve expired and end up in the trash. We’re the best place to sell diabetic test strips online, and if you want to sell your test strips, we’re here to make the process easy and enjoyable!


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Sell Your Unused Diabetic Test Strips For Cash

Don’t Throw Away Your Test Strips!

Throwing away your unused and unexpired diabetic test strips could be the equivalent of flushing money down the toilet!  Yes, that’s right – all those test strips that you don’t use are going to waste when they could be earning you money. You may think that your unused diabetic test strips are of no use to anyone, but they are actually highly sought after by fellow sufferers struggling on a fixed income or without health insurance coverage. 

What Type of Test Strips Can I Sell? 

You can sell diabetic test strips that are unused and unexpired.  The boxes they come in must also be completely intact and undamaged. We only buy test strips that have been manufactured in the US and will consider test strips from a variety of manufacturers including Accu-check, Bayer, Freestyle and One Touch. Test strips must be in sealed 50 count or 100 count size boxes. 

Is It Legal to Sell My Test Strips?

As long as you are the legal owner of them, then sure, you can sell them on if they meet with our purchasing criteria.  Anyone can buy test strips, with or without a prescription, and is 100% legal to resell over the counter products. Even if your boxes are marked “mail order only” or “not for retail” you can still sell them – this just means they can’t be sold through a retailer. 

The only types of test strips that CANNOT be resold are those with a red band on the bottom, as well as the words “For the Use of Medicare/Medicaid Beneficiaries Only”. 

How Can I Make Money Out of My Unused Test Strips?

By selling them to a reputable company like ours, you will be offered the most competitive prices for unused, unexpired diabetic test strips in sealed and undamaged packaging.  The prices we offer depend upon the amount you are selling, the type of test strips that you are using and the brand. Rest assured though, NOT selling your unwanted test strips is literally throwing money away. 

Why Do People Sell Their Diabetic Test Strips? 

There are many reasons people choose to sell their test strips.  They may have switched brands or meters, have a surplus of test strips sat at home, purchased the wrong brand by mistake or even taken control of their diabetes to a level where they no longer need to test their blood sugar levels. Whatever the reason, there are already thousands of Americans out there earning money from their unwanted diabetic test strips. 

What Happens to The Test Strips Once They Are Sold

We buy test strips from those that don’t want or need them and sell them on to those that are struggling to afford them.  Without medical insurance, diabetic test strips and other vital supplies can be prohibitively expensive, meaning your fellow sufferers could be getting sick without the help they need. We work with integrity and trust and build relationships with both our buyers and sellers.  By helping someone on a low income, or without medical insurance, you will be doing a really good deed, while earning some extra dollars at the same time. 

If you would like to find out more about the service we offer, contact us or visit our products page to see how much your unused, unexpired test strips are actually worth here: Get a Quote
Just find the type of test strips you have, add the quantity of boxes you’d like to sell and receive an instant quote…It’s just that simple. 

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Ways to Save Money on Diabetic Test Strips

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, you may well have seen your medical costs skyrocket in recent years.  Diabetic test strips and other vital medications are not always covered under health insurance, and you may be struggling to fund the healthcare that you so desperately need.

If you are looking for ways to manage your condition without it costing you an arm and a leg, try these savvy ideas to help save money on diabetic test strips.

  1. Shop Around

If you carefully compare the prices between big chains, your local pharmacy, and other suppliers, you may be able to save money with a little research. Use the internet to help you find the best deal on the supplies that you need.

  1. Only buy what you need

State of the art continuous glucose monitors may sound like a life saver, but if the cost is putting pressure on you to work too hard or simply making you worry about how you are going to pay for it, then that alone could have further implications on your health.

By purchasing the basics, such as insulin pens, pen needles or syringes, and basic diabetic test strips, you can monitor and medicate without having to finance yourself to the limit.

  1. Look for patient assistance programs

Low-income families and those who need assistance might qualify for help through local patient assistance programs. You could also join social media groups, online forums or patient groups for diabetes sufferers.  Harnessing the power of the internet is an excellent way to find out about good deals and accessing other useful information to help keep costs down.

  1. Speak to your insurer

Again, you may never know if your insurer is able to help you if you don’t ask.  If you have health insurance, you may be able to purchase diabetic test strips with the cash in your FSA or HRA – two types of insurance tools that save your pre-tax dollars for use against certain types of purchases.

  1. Buy online

Many online retailers offer lower prices than what you would usually be able to buy in a retail store.  This same rule applies to medical supplies. With a bit of research, you may be able to find an online retailer that can help save you money on your test strips.  Be careful though; if the price looks too good to be true, it probably is.  Only buy from a trusted source that has excellent patient reviews.

Here at, we understand that millions of Americans are suffering from diabetes and not all of them have the income or insurance to cover the cost of their supplies. That is why we buy unused boxes of diabetic test strips to help those in need. If you have unused, unexpired diabetic test strips that you no longer need, fill out our instant quote form today.

If you have extra, unopened and unused boxes of diabetic test strips – whether you have switched brands, no longer need to test or test less frequently, or have a loved one who has passed away – don’t let them gather dust until they’ve expired and end up in the trash. We’re the best place to sell diabetic test strips online, and if you want to sell your test strips, we’re here to make the process easy and enjoyable!

Visit us at Sell Your Test Strips and get your free quote today!

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Is It Legal to Sell My Test Strips?

Here at, this is one of our most asked questions.  The answer is that YES, you can sell your diabetic test strips as long as you are the LEGAL OWNER of them.

Anyone can purchase test strips with or without a prescription; if you buy them yourself, you are free to sell them to us, should you choose to do so.

Over the Counter Test Strips

You can buy test strips over the counter at most major drug stores, pharmacies, and markets, and it is absolutely 100% legal to resell any over-the-counter products that you have purchased but no longer require.

Even if your boxes are marked “mail order only” or “not for retail” you can still sell them to us.  Bear in mind though, that if your boxes were received from Medicare or Medicaid and have a red band at the bottom with “For the Use of Medicare/Medicaid Beneficiaries Only” these boxes CANNOT be resold.

Which Diabetic Test Strips Can I Legally Sell to You?

Here at, we have some rules and regulations that apply to the purchase of diabetic test strips.  These are in place to protect sellers, as well as buyers, and to ensure that everyone stays on the right side of the law.

Here is some basic info on what we will buy from you; more details can be found elsewhere on our website.

We will offer you a great price for sealed 50 count or 100 count size boxes of the diabetic test strips from any of the following brands:

  • Accu-Chek
  • Bayer Contour
  • All Lite Styles
  • OneTouch

They must be in sealed, undamaged boxes and minimum expiration dates vary.

We can only buy boxes that have been manufactured in the U.S. and have proof of this on the packaging.

Unfortunately, we CANNOT accept:

  • Diabetic test strip brands that are NOT listed on our website.
  • Small boxes of 10, 25 or 30 counts, but whenever possible we will donate them if you send them to us.
  • Boxes labeled as “Medicare/Medicaid Beneficiary Use Only” are NOT accepted. Also, boxes labeled “Value Pack” or “Kaiser Permanente” cannot be purchased.
  • Boxes with LESS than the minimum number of months to their expiration dated from the day we receive the package.
  • Boxes determined to be damaged (these will simply be discarded).
  • Generic or private label boxes of test strips.

Make Money from Your Unwanted Test Strips – Easily and Legally

Don’t throw money away by wasting unwanted diabetic test strips.  Instead, simply package them up and send them on to us, for fast, efficient payment.  We LEGALLY buy diabetic test strips that are no longer needed by the original owner.

We understand how difficult it can be to take care of your blood sugar levels when you are on a low income or not in receipt of medical insurance.  That is why we offer a reliable, efficient and cost-effective service that provides diabetic test strips to those who are struggling to afford them.

If you have test strips that meet our criteria that you would like to sell, simply fill out our Instant Quote form today.

If you have extra, unopened, and unused boxes of diabetic test strips – whether you have switched brands, no longer need to test or test less frequently, or have a loved one who has passed away – don’t let them gather dust until they’ve expired and ended up in the trash. We’re the best place to sell diabetic test strips online, and if you want to sell your test strips, we’re here to make the process easy and enjoyable!

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How much money can I earn by selling diabetic test strips?

Selling your unwanted, unused diabetic test strips can earn you good money.  The price you get for them will vary depending on the amount of money that your buying site is prepared to pay for each box of strips.

If we are honest here, selling your test strips will not make you a millionaire.  What it will do, however, is provide you with extra CASH, and the process of getting your money is fast and simple.

We can give you a quote for your strips (based on the information you give us), and it will definitely be more than you would get for just throwing them in the trash!  There are plenty of other great reasons to sell your test strips too:

  1. The feel-good factor

One of the very best things about selling your test strips is knowing that vital medical equipment that is no good to you, could really help out someone else who needs it.  Test strips can be costly, and there are plenty of diabetes sufferers in America who, for whatever reason, cannot rely on a regular supply of test strips to help them manage their condition effectively.

By selling on your unused strips, you are giving individuals on low incomes or those without health care the opportunity to purchase all of the test strips they so desperately need, at a price they can afford.  If nothing else, that should help you sleep soundly at night.

  1. Quick and easy, fuss-free transactions

If you are thinking of selling your unused diabetic test strips you could try using an online auction site like eBay, for example.  Selling them yourself is however very time consuming and you will be responsible for listing your items, answering any inquiries and, of course, dispatching them when they have been paid for.

If that sounds like too much work, selling to an established test strip buying company like us literally couldn’t be easier. We take care of all the hard work for you and you just take the cash.

  1. Do your bit for the environment

Rather than throwing boxes of plastic test strips into the trash, you can do your bit for the environment by recycling them to someone who will really benefit from being offered affordable diabetic test strips.

Could you be earning extra cash from your unwanted test strips?

If you have unopened, undamaged boxes of test strips tucked away in your home, why not sell them to us for a fast cash payment, and the reassurance that comes with knowing they will be able to help somebody who really needs them?

Selling your test strips to us has never been easier.  Simply:

  • Fill out our instant quote form to find out just how much we can pay for your test strips;
  • Pack up your test strips using the free, pre-paid USPS shipping label;
  • Hand the package to your mail carrier – without even having to go to the post office; and finally…
  • Wait for payment via check, PayPal, Bank Transfer or Western Union

Complete our online quote form today to see how much you could receive.

If you have extra, unopened and unused boxes of diabetic test strips – whether you have switched brands, no longer need to test or test less frequently, or have a loved one who has passed away – don’t let them gather dust until they’ve expired and end up in the trash. We’re the best place to sell diabetic test strips online, and if you want to sell your test strips, we’re here to make the process easy and enjoyable!

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