There’s really no secret to selling your excess test strips and there’s nothing clandestine or illegal happening. It’s legal to flip your test strips in all 50 states as long as they weren’t purchased through a government-based insurance program such as Medicaid or Medicare. Flipping your test strips is legal because they can be purchased over the counter without a prescription.

Anyone can flip a supply of test strips for cash. The box must be new, unopened, have a sufficiently distant expiration date, and be kept under the proper conditions. Companies that buy the test strips will pay for postage to send the strips and even pay return costs if they’re rejected.

One of the reasons that the cost of test strips is so expensive is that the price is managed by pharmaceutical companies in a similar way to prescription medications. Manufacturers set a high price, then offer rebates and discount programs to lower the cost for those that go through a lengthy and complicated application process.

The companies then write the discounts and rebates off as a loss on their taxes. It’s a win-win situation for the pharmaceutical companies. It also works great for people with excellent insurance that pay little or no co-pays. For the average person, it’s a constant worry as to if they’ll be able to purchase the strips they need.

The market for diabetic test strips has skyrocketed. There are literally millions of individuals with diabetes that can’t afford the test strips they need to manage their disease. They’re underinsured or uninsured. Test strips aren’t cheap and they can cost $1 or more per strip.

You can flip your own test strips if you have too many, those of loves ones that are deceased and no longer need them, or even friends and work associates. The company they’re sold to will resell them to those that need them at a cost that is still less than what they’d cost at the local pharmacy.

If you would like to find out about earning cash for your unwanted, unused and boxed test strips, complete our online quote form today.

If you have extra, unopened and unused boxes of diabetic test strips – whether you have switched brands, no longer need to test or test less frequently, or have a loved one who has passed away – don’t let them gather dust until they’ve expired and end up in the trash. We’re the best place to sell diabetic test strips online, and if you want to sell your test strips, we’re here to make the process easy and enjoyable!

Visit us at Sell Your Test Strips and get your free quote today!