If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, or even pre-diabetes, there are certain types of food, drink and even lifestyle decisions that you would be best to avoid in order to keep yourself well.

The food you put into your body will have obvious effects on the way your diabetes behaves.  Some foods should always be avoided, and others should be only enjoyed very occasionally.

The most common food and drinks that you should avoid if you suffer from diabetes, include:

  1. Sugar-Sweetened Sodas

These kinds of drinks are very high in carbohydrates for a start, as well as being loaded with fructose that is strongly linked to insulin resistance and diabetes. These kind of sodas and soft drinks are just about some of the worst choices for someone with diabetes to consume.

  1. White Bread and Pasta

As comforting as a freshly baked bread or a big bowl of steaming hot pasta may be, as a diabetes sufferer, they can cause you negative effects.  These types of food are high in carbs, and low in fiber – a combination which can result in raised blood sugar levels.  You can still enjoy a freshly made sandwich or bowl of spaghetti but choose whole-wheat, high-fiber alternatives instead that will have less effect on your blood sugar.

  1. Dried Fruits

This may come as a surprise to you as fruit is a healthy option, right?  Well, not always so.  In the case of dried fruit, they become more concentrated in sugar and may contain as much as three times the amount of carbs that fresh fruits do. Avoid dried fruit and choose fruits low in sugar instead to prevent spikes in your blood sugar levels.

  1. Honey and Maple Syrup

Delicious on pancakes and much more, these sweet and tasty treats should be avoided if you want to effectively manage your condition.  Both honey and maple syrup can have similar effects on blood sugar, insulin and inflammatory markers as white sugar can, despite them seeming like a more natural alternative.

  1. Fruit Juices

Another food group that seems to be good for you but actually isn’t, is the huge range of fruit juices available to us today.  Unsweetened fruit juice contains at least as much sugar as high sugar sodas do, and the high fructose content can worsen insulin resistance, promote weight gain and increase the risk of heart disease.

  1. Packaged and Processed Foods

Convenience foods are designed to save you time both in the kitchen and on the go and do have some upsides.  But, if you are a diabetic, there is nothing worthwhile to be found in these.  Packaged snacks are typically highly processed foods made from refined flour that can quickly raise your blood sugar levels.

  1. French Fries

The humble French fry is the perfect comfort food, but one that is not good for you at all if you suffer from diabetes.  In addition to being high in carbs that raise blood sugar levels, French fries are fried in unhealthy oils that may promote inflammation and increase the risk of heart disease and cancer.

  1. Fruit-Flavored Yogurt

Another innocent looking food that really should be avoided if you have been diagnosed with Diabetes.   Fruit-flavored yogurts are usually low in fat but high in sugar, which can lead to higher blood sugar and insulin levels. Plain, whole-milk yogurt is a much better choice, and you can add flavor with fresh fruit.

If you have extra, unopened and unused boxes of diabetic test strips – whether you have switched brands, no longer need to test or test less frequently, or have a loved one who has passed away – don’t let them gather dust until they’ve expired and end up in the trash. We’re the best place to sell diabetic test strips online, and if you want to sell your test strips, we’re here to make the process easy and enjoyable!

Visit us at Sell Your Test Strips and get your free quote today!

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