Exercise is an important element for diabetics to manage their disease, but it’s especially important for preventing insulin resistance. The condition occurs when the body doesn’t utilize insulin effectively and can result in individuals needing to use larger doses of insulin to combat the effects of more glucose in the blood.

Experts recommend diabetics engage in some type of exercise 3 to 4 times per week, in sessions of 30 minutes. There are dozens of activities that allow individuals to reach those goals. Diabetics should choose a type of exercise they enjoy as they’re more likely to do it consistently. Any exercise will aid in fighting insulin resistance and losing weight.


Gliding through the water is more than just a pleasant pastime – it utilizes every muscle in the body. It burns calories for weight loss, builds strength and endurance, and is particularly beneficial for the heart. Water buoys and supports the swimmer, while reducing the effects of gravity on the body.

Tai Chi

The ancient Chinese tradition was developed as a means of self-defense. There are now sessions in which it’s practiced as a graceful form of exercise. It aids in managing stress and the body is in constant motion. It places minimal stress on joints, muscles, and is scientifically proven effective against insulin resistance.


A brisk walk requires no special equipment and is low-impact. Walking a dog for 30 minutes has benefits for the canine and their human companion. Try tracking steps and progress as a motivational tool.


It’s fun, can be done with a partner, or even alone at home. It burns calories, relieves stress, and is good for the heart and lowering blood pressure.


Most people don’t realize how relaxing flower or vegetable gardening can be. It lowers stress, builds muscle and strength. It’s a low-impact, aerobic form of exercise.

Multiple Methods

There’s a myriad of ways for diabetics to get the exercise they need. Yoga, cycling, rollerblading, and horseback riding are just some of the opportunities to improve balance and fitness levels. Individuals can choose an activity they already enjoy before attempting to move out of their comfort zone.


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If you have extra, unopened and unused boxes of diabetic test strips – whether you have switched brands, no longer need to test or test less frequently, or have a loved one who has passed away – don’t let them gather dust until they’ve expired and end up in the trash. We’re the best place to sell diabetic test strips online, and if you want to sell your test strips, we’re here to make the process easy and enjoyable!

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