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Must Have Diabetic Supplies

People with diabetes need a variety of supplies to monitor and manage their disease. Those that have been newly diagnosed with diabetes are usually overwhelmed with the news. While they’re trying to come to terms with the way their life will change, they often don’t realize the wide array of essential supplies they’ll soon be using. The following are must-have supplies for diabetics that aren’t using an insulin pump.

Insulin/Insulin Pens

Insulin is the hormone that regulates the absorption of insulin in the bloodstream. Diabetics must inject insulin to counteract the sugars from the foods consumed. Insulin is available in vials that need to be kept cool. Insulin pens are more convenient, don’t need to be refrigerated, and can be tucked into a pocket or purse.

Syringes/Insulin Pen Needles

To administer insulin from a vial, syringes will be used for the injection. A different type of needle will be required for an insulin pen. It screws on the end of the pen for the injection.

Glucose Monitor

A glucose monitor uses test strips to analyze a small drop of blood. In just a few seconds, the monitor will provide individuals with the level of glucose in their blood.

Lancing Device/Lancets

A lancing device with a small needle called a lancet is used to prick a finger to obtain a blood sample for testing.

Test Strips

Test strips are an essential part of blood glucose testing. The end of the test strip is inserted into the monitor and the other end of the test strip is used to collect the blood sample obtained from the lancing device.


Most diabetics also take oral medications to treat the disease, along with their insulin. 

Ketone Meter/Test Strips

Some people with diabetes are at a greater risk of developing diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) due to medications or low glucose levels. When the body isn’t fed regularly, it begins to burn fat to fuel itself. This can result in DKA. While many diabetics don’t require testing for ketones, their doctor may recommend they get a meter and the test strips to do so. It’s important to note that ketone meters and test strips are entirely different than glucose monitors and the test strips they use.

Fast Acting Glucose/Glucagon Emergency Kit

Diabetics should always keep fast-acting glucose tablets on hand in the event that their glucose levels begin to dip too low and they can’t immediately eat something. It’s also a good idea for diabetics to keep a glucagon emergency kit with them if their glucose levels drop below safe amounts.  

Medic Alert Bracelet

Medic Alert ID bracelet speaks for a diabetic if they’re incapacitated and can’t communicate for themselves. The bracelet will let emergency personnel know they’re diabetic. The bracelets are available in a myriad of fashionable styles, designs and colors.

If you would like to find out about earning cash for your unwanted, unused and boxed test strips, complete our online quote form today.

If you have extra, unopened and unused boxes of diabetic test strips – whether you have switched brands, no longer need to test or test less frequently, or have a loved one who has passed away – don’t let them gather dust until they’ve expired and end up in the trash. We’re the best place to sell diabetic test strips online, and if you want to sell your test strips, we’re here to make the process easy and enjoyable!

Visit us at Sell Your Test Strips and get your free quote today!

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Can Ancient Grains Help Diabetes?

Diabetics are advised to limit their intake of common grains due to their high carbohydrate levels, even though they are high in fiber that’s beneficial for the digestive system. If they are consumed, physicians recommend that they not be highly-refined, processed grains. Then there’s the question of ancient grains.

Technically, all grains are ancient grains since they’ve been around for centuries. When eaten in their purest forms, they can be helpful in managing diabetes and in reducing the risk of developing the disease. Grain promotes a healthy heart and digestive system. They contain fiber that can aid in reducing the absorption of sugars.

When nutritionists refer to ancient grains, they typically have specific examples in mind. The following are considered ancient grains that are beneficial for people with diabetes. Just remember to eat them in moderation.

Amaranth – Gluten-free, it’s been cultivated for over 8,000 years.

Barley – It contains vitamin B1, trace minerals known as micronutrients, and it contains gluten. The grain can be added to soups, salads, and stuffing or eaten as a side dish.

Bulgur – Full of trace minerals, it’s often used as a substitute for pilaf and in salads. It does contain gluten.

Farro – The grain is gluten-free, contains trace minerals, antioxidants, and is used in soups and salads.

Fonio – Available in white and black varieties, it has micronutrients and is gluten-free.

Freekeh – It contains gluten, along with compounds that may lower the risk of degenerative eye disorders. It’s often used in soups, stews, casseroles and salads.

Khorasan wheat – Also known as Kamut, the grain contains vitamin B3, trace minerals, and gluten.

Millet – It’s a grain typically used in wild bird seed mixes and has several trace minerals essential for health. It’s gluten-free.

Quinoa – Loaded with micronutrients, it’s gluten-free, rich in protein, and contains antioxidants.

Rye – The grain is rich in micronutrients, but it does contain gluten.

Sorghum – It’s rich in antioxidants and trace minerals.

Teff – It’s the world’s smallest grain, high in vitamins and micronutrients, and gluten-free. It’s often used in soups, stews and baked goods.

If you would like to find out about earning cash for your unwanted, unused and boxed test strips, complete our online quote form today.

If you have extra, unopened and unused boxes of diabetic test strips – whether you have switched brands, no longer need to test or test less frequently, or have a loved one who has passed away – don’t let them gather dust until they’ve expired and end up in the trash. We’re the best place to sell diabetic test strips online, and if you want to sell your test strips, we’re here to make the process easy and enjoyable!

Visit us at Sell Your Test Strips and get your free quote today!

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Are there Better Meats for Diabetics?

There are a number of dietary changes that people with diabetes will need to make and some may be more difficult than others. The type of meat that’s consumed is one of those changes. The good news is that it’s not a radical change and it’s easy to do – just switch to lean meats and meat alternatives to avoid saturated fats and control cholesterol.

Meat is high in protein and low in fat, providing a healthy, longer-last source of energy. One good source of very lean meat is chicken or turkey breast without the skin. Both contain an average of 35 calories, 1 gram of fat, and 7 grams of protein per 1-ounce serving.

People with diabetes can still consume a wide range of meats as long as they’re lean. Some examples of lean meat with 3 grams of fat and 55 calories per 1-ounce serving are the following:

  • Beef – chipped beef, sirloin, tenderloin and flank steak
  • Pork – Canadian bacon, ham, tenderloin
  • Veal – all but veal cutlets
  • Poultry – chicken, turkey and Cornish hen, all without the skin
  • Wild Game – duck, goose, rabbit, pheasant and venison, all without the skin

Meats should be eaten in moderation and no matter what the choice, be aware that some cuts of meat have a higher sodium content than others. Canadian bacon and chipped beef are two examples.

A 1-ounce portion of a medium fat meat contains approximately 75 calories and has 5 grams of fat. Medium fat meat should be eaten infrequently. It includes:

  • Beef – ground beef, T-bone steak and chuck house
  • Pork – cutlets, pork chops and loin roast
  • Lamb – chops and legs
  • Veal – cutlets and veal that’s cubed, breaded or ground
  • Poultry – turkey, duck or goose with skin

Bear in mind that even 86 percent fat-free luncheon meat can be eaten on occasion, but it has high sodium levels. Avoid hearts, livers and kidneys. Meats to definitely omit from the diet includes prime cuts of beef, pork and lamb. The same is true of processed meats that includes corned beef, hotdogs, sausage, and salami.

If you would like to find out about earning cash for your unwanted, unused and boxed test strips, complete our online quote form today.

If you have extra, unopened and unused boxes of diabetic test strips – whether you have switched brands, no longer need to test or test less frequently, or have a loved one who has passed away – don’t let them gather dust until they’ve expired and end up in the trash. We’re the best place to sell diabetic test strips online, and if you want to sell your test strips, we’re here to make the process easy and enjoyable!

Visit us at Sell Your Test Strips and get your free quote today!

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Change your Excess Test Strips into Cash

Everybody can use a little extra cash and selling your excess test strips is an easy way to earn it. Many people are unaware that they can sell their diabetic test strips. It’s completely legal in all 50 states since they can be purchased over-the-counter and don’t require a prescription. The only legal restriction is if the test strips were purchased using government-based insurance such as Medicaid and Medicare.

Companies that buy test strips require that they not be short-dated and were manufactured in the U.S. The test strips must be in sealed, unopened, and undamaged boxes. Multiple brands are eligible for purchase. Accu-Check, Bayer Contour, FreeStyle, FreeStyle Lite, OneTouch, and Truemetrix are all accepted.

Only boxes containing 50 and 100 test strips are purchased. Boxes with smaller amounts are best donated to a local organization near you. There are many clinics and organizations that accept donations of test strips that they then provide to those that can’t afford them.

Selling your test strips is easy and you can even get an estimate online of what your test strips are worth. You’ll receive a postage-paid shipping label to send the test strips and free U.S. tracking is provided. As soon as the test strips have been verified, you receive payment.

You may have excess test strips for many reasons. Your insurance company may provide more test strips than you need each month or you may have changed the brand of glucose monitor you use. You may also have a loved one that has passed away and don’t want to just throw their test strips away.

The test strips you sell place extra cash in your pocket, prevents the strips from being dumped in landfills, and provides essential test strips for those that may not be able to afford the amount they need each month. The strips are essential for monitoring diabetes and selling your test strips can help save lives. 

If you would like to find out about earning cash for your unwanted, unused and boxed test strips, complete our online quote form today.

If you have extra, unopened and unused boxes of diabetic test strips – whether you have switched brands, no longer need to test or test less frequently, or have a loved one who has passed away – don’t let them gather dust until they’ve expired and end up in the trash. We’re the best place to sell diabetic test strips online, and if you want to sell your test strips, we’re here to make the process easy and enjoyable!

Visit us at Sell Your Test Strips and get your free quote today!

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